[Aide] Compare too aggressive

Proskurin Kirill k.proskurin at corp.mail.ru
Wed Dec 22 10:10:13 EET 2010

On 12/22/2010 08:27 AM, Hannes von Haugwitz wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 07:06:53PM +0300, Proskurin Kirill wrote:
>> We found what aide compare is too aggressive for our needs.
>> Could you tell me - there is source I can add sleep a few sec between
>> two files compare?
> I'm not sure if I understand your problem but it sounds that aide is
> eating too much of the system's resources. If so, maybe you could try to
> renice the aide process.

Yes we use renice but is is not a the way we want to fix it and it is 
not work well for us. We prefer tiny sleep between each files check.

We check really many files at one time.

Best regards,
Proskurin Kirill

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