[Aide] ignoring directories and open_dir():Not a directory:

Mauricio Tavares raubvogel at gmail.com
Wed Apr 28 17:05:37 EEST 2010

Aide newbie here. Let's say I want aide not to check anything inside
/var/ossec/stats and /var/ossec/logs. So, I go to
/etc/aide/aide.conf.d/70_aide_var and add the following lines:

!/var/ossec/stats       # ignore the ossec/stats dir and anything below it
!/var/ossec/logs        # ignore the ossec/logs dir and anything below it

When I run it, I am told that

Output of the daily AIDE run (713 lines):
open_dir():Not a directory: /var/ossec/stats/totals/2009/Dec/ossec-totals-04.log
open_dir():Not a directory: /var/ossec/stats/totals/2009/Oct/ossec-totals-19.log
open_dir():Not a directory: /var/ossec/stats/totals/2009/Oct/ossec-totals-16.log
open_dir():Not a directory: /var/ossec/logs/ossec.log

Does that mean it did not noticed I changed the file (how to tell it I
changed that file?), my settings are wrong (i.e. that is not how you
tell it to ignore a directory and everything inside it), or what?

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