[Aide] Aide 0.11-rc1 do_md Unknown error 530, error mmap'ing

Richard van den Berg richard at vdberg.org
Wed Oct 5 21:54:47 EEST 2005

unspawn wrote:
>>>Test 1, CentOS-3:
>>>do_md():open() for /usr/share/vim/vim63/tools/vimspell.txt failed:Unknown
>>>error 530

Ok, so you are sure that your files and filesystem is ok. Can you check 
config.h and see if HAVE_O_NOATIME is defined? If so, undefine it 
(comment it out) and recompile. This is the code from do_md.c that fails:

   int filedes=open(line->filename,O_RDONLY|O_NOATIME);
   int filedes=open(line->filename,O_RDONLY);

Pretty straight forward, really.


Richard van den Berg

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