[Aide] Aide Stack Overflow with large configuration files

Richard van den Berg richard at vdberg.org
Tue Nov 2 15:38:10 EET 2004

Thomas Toth wrote:
> Starting program: /root/compiling_aide/aide-0.10/src/aide -c aide.conf
> 9996:parser stack overflow

This is a message from the parser generated by bison. There is indeed a 
10000 limit in the parser:

conf_yacc.c:# define YYMAXDEPTH 10000

This seems to be the bison default. I am not too familiar with bison, 
but YYMAXDEPTH is described as "This value is the maximum number of 
tokens that can be shifted (and not reduced) before overflow."

Is it possible for the config parses to avoid hitting this limit?


Richard van den Berg

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