[Aide] Explanation of rule types

Brian Mathis brian.mathis+aide at betteradmin.com
Thu Feb 26 23:21:53 EET 2015

The AIDE manual (http://aide.sourceforge.net/stable/manual.html) states:
    As you already know, aide has three types of selection lines:
        Regular selection lines, beginning with "/".
        Equals selection lines, beginning with "=".
        Negative selection lines, beginning with "!".
and the aide.conf man page has a SELECTION LINES section which says
something similar.  However, neither of these documents actually explains
the difference between "regular" and "equals" lines, they just discuss that
the string after the selection line is a regular expression.

I have found one reference from 2006 that says that equals lines are not
interpreted as regexes (
https://mailman.cs.tut.fi/pipermail/aide/2006-December/000678.html), but
that's it.

What is the difference between "regular" and "equals" lines?

❧ Brian Mathis
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