[Aide] Config file on aide check

Richard van den Berg richard at vdberg.org
Sun Sep 8 16:44:24 EEST 2013

On 8-9-13 14:22 , Mason Nakadomari wrote:
> Okay thanks. When you run --update it doesn't reflect changes to the
> conf file right just the differences in database? So for example if i
> use init mode, run a check and then change the conf file and run a
> check again will it be conparing the new conf file or the old one.
> Thanks.

Aide does not compare config files, but databases. It always uses the
latest config file. Also, aide --init does not update the database but
writes a new one. You manually need to make the new database the current
database after you have verified the changes that aide detected.

Kind regards,


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