[Aide] Can I get a list of files aide is scanning?

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Mon Jun 17 23:19:55 EEST 2013

On 2013-06-17, Dave Shevett wrote:

> On 6/17/13 12:09 PM, Keith Constable wrote:
>> Dave,
>> The aide database file is plain text. Take a peek in there.
> ...
> I am an idiot.  I never even thought to try that.  You are correct, it's 
> a gzipped plaintext file.  I apologize for the bandwidth use. :)

Don't feel *too* bad.  A few years ago I asked if there was some tool
available for dumping the contents of the database so I could grep for
things.  The answer turned out to be gzip then too.  It was the ".db"
on the end of the filename that had fooled me.

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