[Aide] File Type Selection Rules

Michael Gora vtmichaelgora at gmail.com
Thu Sep 1 01:23:20 EEST 2011

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate location for me to pose this
question. However I was wondering if I could get some assistance in
understanding if a certain use of AIDE is feasible.

In short I would like to monitor all the particular files of a given type on
my system, lets say those whose name ends with ".cfg". So given a directory
structure such as:

I write a simple rule like:

However this will only select test.cfg and not any of the ".cfg" files in
dir1 or dir2. Now I tried doing somethign a bit more complex to distinguish
the directories from the actual files:

However this didn't work since the directories don't end with a "/". So now
I'm a little stumped. Is there any way to blanket select a file type without
specifying every directory I want to monitor?
Michael A. Gora
MS Computer Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Michael A. Gora
MS Computer Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
(540) - 200 - VTMG (8864)
302 Whittemore (0111), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA 24061
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