[Aide] Aide 0.13.1 on Solaris 10 default aide.conf problem

Ian Masters ian at acces.co.jp
Tue Oct 20 07:59:27 EEST 2009

Hello again,

Having installed Aide 0.13.1 on my Solaris 10 box from
aide-0.13.1-sol10-sparc-local.gz, I thought I would see what results the default
aide.conf file from inside that package produced before fine-tuning it for my

On doing
# aide --config-check
firstly I got an error about SELinux!

I was quite surprised to find a reference to SELinux in what I thought might be
a starting config file for Solaris.

Next I got an error about xattrs so I decided to remove references to that too.

After that came other syntax errors.

I'm wondering if there's any point in continuing with this config file.

If there is an example file for a vanilla Solaris system, that might be a useful
starting point.

I've read various web pages (including Richard van den Berg's aide.conf for
Solaris 8) which suggest different basic settings.

If there is a basic aide.conf for Solaris 10 that I can start from, that would
be very useful.

The default aide.conf that came with CentOS' rpm was much easier to get started



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