[Aide] How to exclude folders and subfolders from initialization?

Jake Solid richardsolid at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 22:01:28 EEST 2008

I ran the initialization of the db and is showing a bunch of messages
pertaining to the following:

[root at aide]# aide -i
/myservers/mail/var/spool/postfix/deferred/E/E7FFE7307EC atime in future
/vservers/mail/var/spool/postfix/deferred/E/E7FFE7307EC mtime in future
/vservers/mail/var/spool/postfix/deferred/E/E5C2E43A5E6 atime in future

I'm adding new directory structures to the aide.conf little by little so I
started by I adding the following rules to the standard aide.conf file:


This is should avoid putting all the folders inside
/myservers/mail/var/spool or inside /myservers/web/var/spool into the DB
during initialization.

So why I'm getting those messages during initialization?
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