[Aide] aide.db checksum issue

Richard van den Berg richard at vdberg.org
Tue Dec 23 21:01:09 EET 2008

On 23-12-2008 19:23, Joe Delaney wrote:
> I am off now for the seasonal break until early January, but when I
> return I will evaluate the problem further. I now suspect that aide
> maybe broken on the new release of OpenSUSE.

It is starting to look that way. It is technically possible to configure
aide with --enable-forced-dbmd but without --with-dbhmackey which will
give the results you describe.
indicates that this is the problem.

In my opinion it is rather silly to use --with-dbhmackey for a binary
distribution. The added benefit (detecting tampering of the aide.db) is
easily defeated by all OpenSUSE systems using the same hmackey. In your
bug report to Novell you should ask them to build aide without
--enable-forced_dbmd (note the underscore).


Richard van den Berg

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