[Aide] Could use some help understanding aide --check output.

Richard van den Berg richard at vdberg.org
Tue Aug 12 18:17:04 EEST 2008

On 10-8-2008 14:49, Milosh Djuric wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed aide for the first time on two centos boxes the other day,  
> just ran a --check and got some unexpected output:
> File: /etc/prelink.cache
>    Inode    : 3797861                          , 3800582

You are using prelink which links binaries to their libraries before 
they are run. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prelinking

You will need to do a prelink run after every change to your system 
(adding binaries and/or libraries) before updating your aide.db.


Richard van den Berg

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