[Aide] aide 0.11 is generating a VERY large database.

Adam Funk a24061 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 10 13:56:13 EET 2006

On 2006-11-09, Marc Haber <mh+aide at zugschlus.de> wrote:

>     Please note that this might significantly increase aide's
>     execution times as we now check the whole file system by default.
>     On systems with big, changing file systems (like shell servers or
>     big ftp or web servers), you might want to exclude parts of the
>     file system to bring execution times down to an acceptable level.
>     This is not done in the default configuration since AIDE aims for
>     maximum security by default, and big data directories are a
>     preferred target for crackers to place their root kit binaries. An
>     example rule file to exclude home directories of users with uid >=
>     1000 is included in the package and might be put into use at the
>     local admin's discretion.

Thanks for pointing that out.  Since I also have a /home/scratch/ that
isn't listed in /etc/passwd, I've added a 31_exclude-homes-custom file
that just says


and I'll see if that does it.

Is there any easy way to get a text listing of the files catalogued in
aide.db so I can grep or otherwise examine it to see what else I need
to manually exclude?


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