[Aide] How to tell Aide not to check external mounted volumes ?

Pablo Virolainen pablo at vapaa.fi
Wed Mar 8 10:28:35 EET 2006

On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Christoph Ehret wrote:

> Hi,
> Is it possible to tell AIDE to not include in the aide.db and in futher
> checks external mounted volumes, like volumes mounted via NFS ? I
> actually only want to include in my aide.db local files. Perhaps with
> the @@ifhost macro ? For the moment, I remove this
> with !/mounted_Volume, because I know the name, but what if it has
> another name or on a system, I have another mounted Volume ?

Currently aide doesn't know anything about filesystem boundaries.
It's because I don't know any secure method to resolve mount points.
(reading /etc/mtab definetly isn't) One could use statfs/statvfs and check
if f_type field changes. (f_fsid would be kind of sollution but as the
documentation tells, it's might not be so wise to use it)

"man statfs" for more information about the issue.

Actually you propably want to state in the configuration file something


ps. One propably can hack some sort of sollution that works with Linux,
but I really would like to see more portable sollution for this.

Pablo Virolainen

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