[Aide] memory consumption

Nicolae Mihalache nm1 at spaceapplications.com
Thu Jan 5 16:53:48 EET 2006


I'm trying to run aide such that the database is never stored on the
target server but rather stored on a secure hosts. So I basically run
once aide on the target machine to create the database and then on the
secure host I run with the option "--compare" to compare the newly
created database with the initial version.
The problem is that my database gets about 260MB in size (about 2.6M
lines), and when comparing the databases aide consumes quite a lot of
memory (I stopped it when it consumed all 512MB I have :( ).
Is there a reason for consuming so much memory? I guess the files are
incrementally read, they don't need to be both in the memory at the same
time, so maybe some memory leaks somewhere?

actually, just before sending this email I thought to have a look on the
internet and I see that "Rewrite for smaller memory footprint" is part
of the TODO list. Is there somebody working at that?


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