[Aide] aide 0.11 is generating a VERY large database.

Andrej Ricnik-Bay andrej.groups at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 21:25:21 EET 2006

On 12/4/06, Marc Haber <mh+aide at zugschlus.de> wrote:

> What did you write to 31_aide_usrlocal?

> To cut down your run time, I'd tail -f the new aide database and abort
> once you see files that do not belong there. If you have a lot of
> files that you want in your final aide database and that take a lot of
> time to check, you can exclude them during your tests. This will also
> give you a better feeling about exclude rules.
I don't think I want to watch for 4 hours ;}

> aide does not currently offer any better configuration tools.

> Greetings
> Marc

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