[Aide] aide 0.11 is generating a VERY large database.

Andrej Ricnik-Bay andrej.groups at gmail.com
Sun Dec 3 19:25:54 EET 2006

On 12/2/06, Marc Haber <mh+aide at zugschlus.de> wrote:

Thanks for the response.

> Mainly, it's a mixture of "deepest match wins" and "last match wins",
> which is the cause that the more special rules are "late" in the
> Debian rule set.
Sorry, I must be quite thick  :} ... if I wanted to create a rule that
for example excluded /usr/local/share ... what number would I
be wanting to choose to achieve that?  I don't want to do to many
testruns because on my old dog of a server a complete run of AIDE
takes anywhere between 4 to 6 hours.  31_aide_usrlocal didn't do the
trick, I'm afraid, because aide is still running and I hoped my change
would cut the files to be checked down by half (I expected it to be
done in under 3 hours).

> Greetings
> Marc

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