[Aide] Config syntax misunderstanding

Richard van den Berg richard at vdberg.org
Wed Apr 12 15:44:28 EEST 2006

freeslkr wrote:
> Am I somehow misusing the intended rule syntax? For reference, the
> rules of example 2 were:
>      /etc	R
>     =/etc/cups	L-n

The = rule is just a way to tell aide not to add the implicit .* at the 
end of a directory and/or file name. So in this example all of /etc will 
be added using R but only the /etc/cups directory will use L-n. I think 
you want to add:


to ignore all of the files in the /etc/cups/ tree.

It is weird that you are seeing --init behave differently that --check 
with respect to include/exclude rules. That should definitely not be the 


Richard van den Berg

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