[Aide] File type attribute

Bob Proulx bob at proulx.com
Mon Oct 24 07:41:03 EEST 2005

Pete J. O'Hara wrote:
> In tripwire there is the "property mask" of "t" (according the the 
> "Tripwire Policy File Reference") which represents "file type".  It is 
> used in their "Predefined variables" such as "Read Only = 
> +pinugtsdbmCM-rhacSH".

Thanks for referencing that.  Unfortunately that document only lists
it as you show and says nothing else about it.  It does not describe
what it does.  I used google for a while but could not find any more
information on it.  Couple that with the other reference which
indicates that a file type is an filename extension pattern I can only
presume from this that it keys off of the filename.  Does anyone have
any evidence to the contrary?


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