[Aide] Aide fails to match some filenames

Bob Proulx bob at proulx.com
Thu Mar 17 17:53:33 EET 2005

Virolainen Pablo wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> >   cat >/var/tmp/www/conf <<EOF
> >   database = file:/var/tmp/www/db
> >   database_out = file:/var/tmp/www/db.new
> >   /var/tmp/www/www.proulx.com/public_html R
> Correct way "/var/tmp/www/www\.proulx\.com/public_html R"
> It is a regexp.

Thank you for that suggestion.  However I don't think that is the
fatal part of the problem.  As a regular expression the dot would
possibly match too much.  It might possibly match a different filename
that did not have a dot in it.  But in this case the problem is that
the dot is failing to match.

  database = file:/var/tmp/www/db
  database_out = file:/var/tmp/www/db.new
  /var/tmp/www/www\.proulx\.com/public_html R

I don't see any difference in behavior when I try quoting the dot.  It
still fails to match this case.


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